book of the jungle (original title: The Jungle Book) 1967presented in American cartoon, which Rudyard Kipling same titled his novelbased on However, it is significantly different from the original work, the film itself is much more aimed at the younger age group and is only very thinly related to Kipling's novel. The cartoon is the studio's 19th production, and also the last of its works Walt Disneypersonally supervised, he died shortly after the film was completed. THE its director Wolfgang Reitherman, a screenwriters Ken Anderson, Larry Clemmons, Vance Gerry and Ralph Wright, a composers George Bruns, Robert B. Sherman and Richard M. Sherman. The motion picture is a Walt Disney Productions made in production, a Buena Vista Distribution appeared in distribution. In terms of genre film comedy, adventure movie and musical. in America on October 18, 1967, in Hungary 1979. május 24-én, felújított változattal 1988. szeptember 8-án és 1994. június 23-án mutatták be a mozikban
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