12.5 percent of the expanded domestic tourism
A Szállás.hu becslése szerint 12,5 százalékkal nőtt a belföldi turizmus a harmadik negyedévben az egy évvel korábbihoz képest. A portál MTI-nek küldött csütörtöki elemzése szerint a legnépszerűbbek az egy- és kétéjszakás üdülések voltak, az üdülések 28 százaléka két éjre, 27 százaléka egy éjre szólt. Siófok, Hajdúszoboszló és Budapest voltak a legkedveltebbek, Eger és Balatonfüred is a top ötben végzett, a legjobbakat Gyula, Szeged és Zalakaros követte, a tizedik pozícióra Zamárdi helyére Balatonlelle lépett.
Apartments and guest houses accounted for almost half of the bookings, the most popular accommodation types were followed by boarding houses with 16.5 percent and three-star hotels with 13.5 percent, and the top 5 list with 9.8 percent of 4-5 star hotels. were closed - explained marketing manager Nóra Keresztes, according to the announcement.
The average booking value increased by 5 percent compared to the same period last year, with an average of HUF 57,211 spent on accommodation. Almost two-thirds of the bookings were under HUF 50,000, only about every fifth booking was for HUF 50-100,000 - added the marketing specialist.
The analysis revealed that more than 16 percent of all accommodation bookers indicated payment by SZÉP card. 56 percent of guests made their hotel reservations via mobile, which is 15 percentage points more than a year ago.
Szállás.hu's own turnover increased by 15.2 percent in the last quarter, they said.
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