The construction of the Berek Világ Visitor Center on South Lake Balaton has begun.
The implementation of the Berek Világa Visitor Center, which presents the Natura 2000 area, has started near Ordacsehi in Somogy County, with about HUF 400 million in non-refundable EU and domestic support, Zoltán Puskás, Head of the Balaton Uplands National Park Directorate (BfNP), told MTI.
The director said that a 200-square-meter building will be built during the investment, which will house an interactive exhibition, children's activities and offices. Construction of the visitor center should be completed by the middle of next year.
Zoltán Puskás indicated that further developments are planned, and they will apply for support again for the continuation - the creation of a learning trail, the construction of a row of palls located on the bog and the installation of information boards.
According to the announcement of the national park, the initial project of the Berek Világa Visitor Center will be implemented with the support of the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund and co-financing from the domestic central budget.
The aim of the project is to improve the awareness and social acceptance of the Hungarian Natura 2000 ecological network. The new visitor center will introduce the habitats and characteristics of the South Balaton region in accordance with the "protected and presented" principle, without burdening the environment, offering a season- and weather-independent program.
Nature 2000
The Natura 2000 areas created by the European Union are a connected European ecological network that ensures the protection of biological diversity through the protection of natural habitat types, wild animal and plant species of community importance and contributes to the maintenance and restoration of their favorable nature conservation status. A green infrastructure that ensures the ecosystem services of Europe's natural habitats and their preservation in good condition. The Natura 2000 network is based on the Birds Directive of 1979, the codified version that replaced it in 2009, and the Habitats Directive of 1992. The entire network covers about 18% of the land area of Europe, which is roughly equal to the entire area of Germany.
Objectives of Natura 2000
The general objective of the Bird Protection Directive is to protect all naturally occurring bird species in the territory of the Member States. Regions that are home to large populations of species listed in Annex 1 that regularly occur and migrate in the territory of the Member State, as well as include wetlands of international importance from the point of view of waterfowl, are considered special bird protection areas.
The main objective of the habitat protection directive is to protect biological diversity, to ensure the long-term survival of species and habitat types, by maintaining or increasing their natural range. The directive stipulates the establishment of the European ecological network, Natura 2000, which includes areas designated under the provisions of the bird protection directive. The special nature conservation areas are the types of natural habitats of community importance listed in Annex 1 (which are in danger of disappearing, or have a small natural distribution, or have specific characteristics within a given biogeographical region) and those of community importance listed in Annex No. 2 (threatened, vulnerable, rare or endemic) must be designated for the protection of animal and plant species. Those habitat types and species, the survival of which can only be ensured by immediate measures, are of particular importance and enjoy priority in the Union.
Natura 2000 in Hungary
By joining the European Union, Hungary is gradually harmonizing its legal system with Community directives. In 2004, the government created a decree for the designation of Natura 2000 areas. The areas are listed in Regulation 14/2010 KvVM, which also contains detailed maps in the annexes.
The areas previously protected by national legislation have all become part of the ecological network. Together with the newly designated areas, the new type of protection covers nearly 21% of Hungary's territory. These include lands traditionally under agricultural cultivation, pastures, but of course also forests. The purpose of the regulation is to coordinate the interests of utilization and nature conservation.
The official domestic Natura 2000 site is, a website operated jointly by the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association and the Hungarian Nature Protection Association. Source: Wikipedia
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